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If you want to know and understand the ocean better, you should take a look at our catalogue. Through our books, learn to identify sea turtles, discover why man is the best ally of jellyfish, and take to the sea with our new comic book… For all audiences, our editions take you below the surface, to meet a world that you will love to protect! Enjoy your reading…

In the heart of the polar worlds, between warming and covetousness

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Press conference to present the book

The last regions of our planet to have been discovered and explored by Western man, the polar regions remain difficult to access. In the north, they are home to indigenous peoples with multiple cultures, such as the famous Inuit, while in the south, protected by the Antarctic Treaty, they are only used for scientific research.

In these extreme environments, wildlife abounds, but man can disrupt the fragile balance of these ecosystems, which global warming is already profoundly disrupting. Polar species, such as the iconic polar bear, are experiencing the full force of these unprecedented changes, which affect their habitats and food resources. And the worst is perhaps still to come…

Indeed, there is a fear of a massive acceleration of climate change and the melting of the polar ice caps. Moreover, the reduction of the ice pack opens new possibilities for human activities (fishing, transport, offshore oil and gas exploitation, tourism), it seems impossible to preserve these regions completely. It is therefore urgent to invent a new, global management for the poles, urgent to adopt an approach that, for the first time, favors the preservation of ecosystems rather than human appetite.

Editions Glénat

English and French versions
Hardcover, 17 x 24 cm, 144 pages
Preface by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
Author: Robert Calcagno
ISBN : ISBN 978-2-344-05120-7
Published February 23, 2022

Price : 19,95 €

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