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How big and how heavy are bluefin tuna?

A record-breaking fish

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a large marine fish and the largest in the “tuna” family. At the age of 30, it can reach 3 meters and exceed 600 kg! Its size and weight at maturity differ according to the geographical area. In the Mediterranean, it is adult at the age of 4 years (i.e. 30 kg for a length of approximately 120 cm) whereas it takes 9 years in the West Atlantic (i.e. 150 kg for approximately 190 cm).

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"Small" or "big"?

In our collective memory, the size and weight that certain animal species can reach (crocodiles, sharks, large fish such as cod or halibut) have disappeared. In just one or two generations, we have hunted, fished, and eliminated the large individuals. What we consider today as “big” specimens, are in fact only “small” or “medium” ones! Atlantic bluefin tuna is no exception to this rule. A fish of 30 kg – a weight that is already quite substantial – is only a “baby” compared to large individuals of several hundred kilos!

Why is bluefin tuna so sought after?
What is bluefin tuna?
Is bluefin tuna threatened by overfishing?
Will the Mediterranean bluefin tuna disappear?
How are bluefin tuna stocks managed?
How are bluefin tuna caught?
What is the economic importance of tuna?
Is there bluefin tuna from aquaculture?
Can we eat bluefin tuna?