board of directors

The Oceanographic Institute is administered by a Board of Directors whose honorary president by right is the Sovereign Prince of Monaco.

  • Honorary President
    H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors
    Mr. Philippe Taquet
  • Vice President
    Ms. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia
  • Secretary-Treasurer
    Mr. Henri Peretti


  • H.E. Bernard Fautrier
  • Ms. Maria Damanaki
  • Mrs. Julia Marton-Lefevre
  • Mr. Jean-Claude Duplessy
  • Ms Valérie Masson Delmotte
  • M. Anthony Torriani
  • Mr. Dominique Vian

Honorary Presidents

  • Mr. Jean Chapon †
  • Mr. Michel Petit †
  • Honorary Vice President
    Mr. Pierre Bordry

Maria Betti (Présidente), Shubha Sathyendranath (Vice-Présidente), Valérie Davenet (Secrétaire), Sandra Bessudo (absente sur la photo), François Houllier, Hélène Lafont-Couturier (absente sur la photo), Eva Maire (absente sur la photo), Cyrille Poirier Coutansais, Patrick Rampal (absent sur la photo), Yunne-Jai Shin

scientific committee


President – Doctor

Specialist in environmental chemistry.

Former Director of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission’s Institute for Transuranium Elements, in Karlsruhe (Germany), until 2022, after having been Director of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability in Ispra (Italy), and of the IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory in Monaco.

She has worked in several laboratories in Europe and the United States.

Doctorate in Chemistry, specializing in environment, instrumentation and radiochemistry, obtained from the University of Pisa (Italy).

Over 200 articles on environmental chemistry and protection.

Monte-Carlo Woman of the Year Award for the establishment of the International Centre on Ocean Acidification at the IAEA Laboratory in the Principality of Monaco.

Vice-President – Doctor

Specialist in spatial remote sensing of ocean colour.

Outstanding Research Fellow at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK, after having been a Research Fellow at the National Institute of Oceanography in Goa, India, and an Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.

From 2000 to 2008, Executive Director of the international organization POGO (Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans). Strongly involved in helping young researchers and, more generally, in developing countries.

D. from Pierre et Marie Curie University in marine optics.

She was awarded the Grande Médaille Albert Ist Science, for the year 2013, and l’ordre du Mérite culturel de la Principauté de Monaco en 2022.

Secretary – Doctor

Director of the Environment – Government of Monaco

Valérie Davenet holds a doctorate in cell biology from the University of Aix-Marseille II. She began her career as a scientific manager in industry, before joining the Monegasque administration in 2000 as head of biodiversity management programmes.

Since 2015, she has been primarily in charge of implementing the Monaco Government’s environmental policy, the main thrusts of which focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies and the conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity.

It also participates, on behalf of the Principality, in the work of international organisations in the environmental field.

Other functions :

Member of the Conseil de l’environnement, member of the Conseil de la mer, member of the Board of Directors of the “Comité National Monégasque – Conseil Mondial de l’Énergie”, Scientific Authority to the Washington Convention (CITES).


Chairman and CEO of Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) since September 19, 2018.

Ingénieur général des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts, member of the Académie des technologies and the Académie d’agriculture de France.

From September 2016 to September 2018, he was provisional administrator and then president of Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC). As President of USPC, he led the “Université de Paris” excellence initiative, selected in March 2018 as part of the Investissements d’avenir program.

From July 2012 to July 2016, he was Chairman and CEO of the Institut national de la recherche agronomique, having previously held a number of different positions. He chaired the boards of the European Forest Institute (2004-06) and the public interest group Ecosystèmes forestiers (2008-12). He has also chaired the Groupement d’intérêt

(2010-2013) and, from March 2012 to July 2016, the board of AllEnvi, the French national research alliance for the environment.

In 2015 and 2016, he submitted two reports to the French government on research and innovation to 2025 in the agricultural and forestry-wood industries. In February 2016, he also submitted a report to the ministers in charge of National Education, Higher Education and Research, outlining the current state of participatory science in France.


Director of Research at the French Navy’s Center for Strategic Studies (CESM) at The French Navy’s research, teaching and outreach center.

Lecturer in maritime economics at SciencesPo.

Editor of the magazine Marine Studies, and author of numerous books, including :

  • The (re)localization of the world, CNRS-éditions, 2021
  • Men and the sea, CNRS-éditions, 2017
  • The sea, a new Eldorado? (co-directed with Claire de Marignan), Documentation française, 2017
  • L’Empire des mers, historical atlas of maritime France, CNRS-éditions 2015
  • The Earth is blue (dir.), Atlas de la mer au XXIesiècle, Les Arènes 2015
  • Atlas des Empires maritimes, CNRS-éditions, 2013


Chargée de recherche au Centre de l’environnement de Lancaster / Research Fellow at Lancaster Environment Centre

Trained as an agricultural engineer, Eva Maire turned to research in marine ecology, completing a PhD at the interface between ecology and social sciences at the University of Montpellier and James Cook University in Australia. She obtained her double degree in 2018.

During her thesis, she developed accessibility indices integrating the heterogeneity of the marine environment, to quantify human impacts on coral reefs and assessed the importance of these new indices, in interaction with protection measures, to explain variations in fish biomass.

In 2019, after a teaching position in ecology and statistics at the University of Montpellier, she joins the Lancaster Environment Center (UK) for a 3-year post-doctorate in an interdisciplinary research team from the natural and social sciences. His current projects focus on better understanding the impacts of climate change on coral reefs and artisanal fisheries, with a particular interest in the key role of fish in the food and nutritional security of coastal human populations.

More generally, his research focuses on the interactions between coral reefs and human populations, using both ecological and socio-ecological approaches, and revolves around three main themes: biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of marine resources and climate change. She is also a professional diver.

She was awarded the Oceanographic Institute’s Dissertation Prize in 2020.

She is now pursuing her research thanks to a Leverhulme Trust research grant.

Member – Heritage Curator

Director, Musée des Confluences, Lyon.

After a first position as curator at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, she was entrusted by the city of Bordeaux with the creation of the Goupil Museum, preserving the collection of this Parisian art publisher active from 1827 to 1920. In 1996, she took over as interim director of the CAPC, Bordeaux’s contemporary art museum, before being appointed director of the Musée d’Aquitaine. At the same time, from 1998 to 2000, the Louvre Museum entrusted him with a study mission on the Louvre’s Chalcography Collection. In 2005, at Jacques Toubon’s request, she led the project for the Musée national des cultures et de l’histoire de l’immigration in Paris, which opened its doors to the public on October 10, 2007. In January 2010, she became director of the Rhône department’s Gallo-Roman museums (Lyon Fourvière and Saint-Romain en Gal), before being appointed director of the Musée des Confluences in July 2012. The museum that brings science into dialogue with the understanding of human history will open on 20 December 2014.

She is the author of several articles on the Goupil house and on the question of the diffusion of art in the 19th century, as well as a monograph on the painter Jean-Léon Gérôme published by Herscher in 1998.

Member – Professor

Professeur de gastroentérologie, Président du Centre Scientifique de Monaco.

Head of the Department of Gastroenterology at Nice University Hospital, Director of the Laboratory for Research in Gastroenterology and Nutrition, and Dean of the Nice Faculty of Medicine until 2003, he then headed the Department of Digestive System Diseases at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco until 2011.

He was also President of the French Gastroenterology Society from 2001 to 2002.

Since 2008, he has been Chairman of the Board of the Centre Scientifique de Monaco, the Principality’s scientific research agency.


Directrice-fondatrice of the Malpelo Foundation and other Marine Ecosystems whose mission is to promote the protection and conservation of Colombia’s marine and coastal ecosystems, while encouraging the sustainable management of natural resources.

Former Minister-designate for the Environment, Biodiversity, Water and Climate Change in Colombia from 2010 to 2012, whom she represented at Cop21.

A graduate in Life and Earth Sciences from the École Pratique des Hautes Études, and a professional diver, S. Bessudo is renowned for her commitment to ocean and shark conservation. She has led numerous scientific expeditions and research projects. Thanks to its determination, Malpelo Island was declared a wildlife sanctuary by the Colombian government in 1995. In January 2012, she was appointed Director General of Colombia’s Presidential Agency for International Cooperation, and in 2013 President of the Colombian Ocean Commission and Colombian government representative to the International Whaling Commission (IWC). It is currently working to set up and promote the East Pacific Corridor MPA network.

Among her many honours, she was awarded the Grande Médaille Albert Ier Prince de Monaco section Médiation 2014.

Member – Doctor

Research Director at IRD and Honorary Research Associate at the University of Cape Town.

She is interested in the role of life history traits, trophic relationships and biodiversity in the resilience of marine ecosystems. It is setting up integrated marine ecosystem models (coord., quantifying the impacts of fishing and climate change by implementing global change scenarios (coord. FRB Emibios, BiodivERsA Sombee) and biodiversity status indicators (coord., panel

Coordinating author of the IPBES global report on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Management Committee

  • M. Julien Guinhut, Directeur du mécénat et des partenariats
  • Mr. Robert Calcagno, Director General
  • M  Jérémy Mendel, Director in charge of the General Secretariat
  • M. Cyril Gomez, Executive Vice-President
  • Mrs. Emilie Vitale, Communications Director
  • Mr. Bernard Reilhac, Director of Development
  • Mr. Olivier Cléné, Technical Director


Director General of the Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco since 1 April 2009.

In 2005 Robert Calcagno was called by H.S.H. Prince Albert II, then the Sovereign Prince of Monaco. The Prince wishes to invite a few new collaborators to work alongside him, to help him drive change and mobilization, while ensuring great continuity with the leadership of his father, Prince Rainier III. Robert Calcagno joins his personal practice as an advisor. He was then appointed Government Councillor, Minister of Public Works, Environment and Urban Planning of the Principality until 2009.

Since1 April 2009, he has been Director General of the Oceanographic Institute, Albert I, Prince of Monaco Foundation. It works with Prince Albert II and other actors of the Principality of Monaco involved in the ocean, to advise, assist and support him in his action for a better knowledge and protection of the ocean.

He regularly leads international meetings on this issue and often speaks out in favour of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the preservation of the deep seabed or the safeguarding of sharks. He is the author of several popular books, including Méditerranée : splendide, fragile, vivant and Les Grands fonds – Voyage dans un monde inconnu, Requins : au-delà du malentendu and Méduses: A la conquête des océans published by Éditions du Rocher. Tortues marines : La Grande Odyssée, published by Glénat.

Responsibilities, mandates and distinctions:

Current responsibilities and mandates :

Since 2009: Chargé de mission to H.E. the Minister of State

Since 2009: General Manager of the Oceanographic Institute, Fondation Albert Ier, Prince of Monaco

Since 2006: Member of the Board of Directors of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

Since 2021 : Managing Director of SAM Explorations de Monaco

Since 2011: Member of Monaco’s Strategic Attractiveness Council

Since 2009: Member of the Board of Directors, Centre Scientifique de Monaco

Since 2009: Member of the Board of Directors of Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco

Since 2022: Vice-President of the Association des vins francs de pied, a heritage

Awards :

Knight of the Order of Saint Charles, Monaco

Officer of the Legion of Honor, France

Commandeur de l’Ordre du Mérite Maritime, France

Officier de l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole, France

See also