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Man and the Ocean
Current threats to marine biodiversity
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Commitment to the Turtles – Actor in the field
Getting involved yourself A Player on All Levels Combating plastic pollution, picking up litter in town, at the beach or in the mountains and selectively sorting your rubbish is already a great contribution towards saving the oceans. Do you want to take concrete action to save the planet and put your skills or energy to
Man and the Ocean
Current threats to marine biodiversity
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Commitment to the Turtles – Benefactor
Getting involved yourself Benefactor for turtles The ocean is essential to life on Earth. It produces oxygen and absorbs most of the carbon dioxide. But our actions are having an increasing impact on marine life. We can no longer ignore the fact that our individual and collective lifestyles and consumption patterns are a significant part
Porte voix manifestante
Man and the Ocean
Protecting biodiversity
Landing page
Commitment to the turtles: Influencer for the Ocean
Getting involved yourself Influencer for the Ocean Distribute information on the uncertain future of turtles, share messages from the Oceanographic Institute, encourage your friends and family to get involved as well…There are many ways of becoming an influencer for the ocean. BECOME THE VOICE OF THE OCEANS Speaking up is one of the most powerful
Cuisine de poissons
Marine resources
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Commitment to the turtles – Responsible Gourmet
Add your title text here One third of the world's oceans are overexploited and fish consumption has never been so high: we are reaching the limits of the protein resources from the sea, which is essential for millions of people around the world.
gobelet sur la plage
Man and the Ocean
Current threats to marine biodiversity
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Commitment to Turtles – Waste Tracker
Getting involved yourself as a waste tracker A majority of the waste that goes into the ocean comes from inland. We are all confronted with it on a daily basis: in front of our homes, on the way to work or school, when shopping, at the beach, on a walk… If picking up other people’s
Corail fluo
Marine biodiversity
Biological diversity
Coral reefs: solutions for now and for tomorrow
Coral reefs: solutions for now and for tomorrow Save the coral reefs On the occasion of the 3rd International Year of Coral Reefs (IYOR2018), the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco co-organised a symposium at the Maison des Océans in Paris. The workshop focused on the latest knowledge and research on these environments and on solutions to
Consommation Pret à Manger
Man and the Ocean
Protecting biodiversity
Landing page
Commitment to the Turtles: an informed consumer
Getting involved yourself as a concerned purchaser We can all take greater awareness of what we buy, where we buy it, where it comes from, how it is made and how it is packaged. It is not strictly about buying less, more about buying better: seasonal, local products, packaged appropriately for the quantity and using
Méduse Aurelia aurita
How the ocean works
Biological diversity
Jellyfish, the new kings of the ocean
Jellyfish, the new kings of the ocean The gelling of the oceans, myth or reality? Increasingly numerous in the world’s oceans, jellyfish, an animal that is both fragile and fearsome, could take over from fish and seriously threaten the already damaged marine balance. Robert Calcagno, Director General of the Oceanographic Institute, and Jacqueline Goy, Scientific
Marine biodiversity
Biological diversity
Jellyfish have been around throughout history
TITLE Jellyfish as seen through Natural History Proliferating today in our oceans because of human activities, jellyfish have survived through the ages. Known and described since Aristotle, they were mainly named in the 19th century by the naturalist François Péron. Jacqueline Goy retraces their history through history. What is the connection between Aristotle, Pliny the

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